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Manufacturer of industrial doors and gates


We are a company with a long-term tradition in the field of steel treatment and mechanics. Our early operations began in the 1980s, when we were involved in the production of agricultural machinery. Just at that time our products were sold to the customer from all over Poland. For over 20 years we have been specialising in stainless - acid-resistant steel treatment. We produce acid-resistant equipment for food processing plants and medical sectors.

We make every effort to ensure that our products meet the highest quality requirements, gaining recognition from domestic and foreign customers. The hard work, new experience and knowledge bring expected results of which we can be proud today.

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Wiejak Med

Wiejak Med

Wiejak Med


Cold Storage Rooms

Cold Storage Rooms

Cold Storage Rooms
Draining Systems

Draining Systems

Draining Systems
Wall Protectors

Wall Protectors

Wall Protectors
Gas Tight Doors

Gas Tight Doors

Gas Tight Doors



